Wednesday, October 28, 2009

favourite & addicted !!

if i were to have free time i like to watch korean movie..i have wathed a lot of sweet..eeally love believe me!!watch the video at the bottom then you will have some overview about korean movie..and i will have some after the final exam..come on do not sleep ok??chayok2!!

My Girl


Become part of MRC is really make me wonder why they choose me even though a lot of people better than me go for that interview.whatver it is i will try to do my best and manage my time for this and study first i just trying to fill the form and go for interview.fully thought it only for committee.never imagine to be assistant headcom of public relation & enterpreneur ..another side was some feeling of relief as i do not have to live off the campus..

today i have to make use of time wisely..still confused which subject i have to revise first??not sure la??of course all subject..for sure!!

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

smiles assignment

28th october 2009

Another computer assignment on 26th october 2009.or should i said the final assignment of computer class.we should submit our assignment before 28th that means last night was the due date...finally thanks mdm linda..wish us best of luck in final exam.and do not forget to SMILES !!!

Let me explain a little bit about SMILES from my understanding.

  • Simplified Molecular Input Line Entry System (SMILES)
  • Widely used & computationally efficient
  • Uses atomic symbols & set of intuitive rules
  • uses hydrogen suppressed molecular graphs (HSMG)

Here are the pictures of my SMILES assignment


Exhibition day

wednesday 28th october 2009 2pm is exhibiotn day of our model construction which is phospholipid.there will be 4 lecturer assessing our model.too many??and the most scary thing is they will question regarding our model..scary2!!but after all feel very2 relief..

my phospholipid model

phospholipid & friends

my group members




Thursday, October 22, 2009

Mission approaching vision

During this time i have to make use of my time other's said time is is because the final exam is around the corner,study for the quiz and do one more project which is model construction of lipid that due on this coming wednesday.pray for me so that i can manage and settle everything accordingly.

My new mission start from today is no to waste time,mo watching movies,no overslept..that i really really like..sacrifice for something to get it fair??yup..oh god please help me..huhu!!

Became phobia after this incidence

Lost my ATM card in ATM machine on last friday was really made me suffered,.huhu.oh my god so sad.Luckily, i got it back after few days which was on tuesday..Alhamdulilah.this incidence really give impact to me because during that time i cannot spend to buy everything that i other words i have to spend money wisely and only buy something that i need much..

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

excel assignment

Replacement class on Wednesday..

we were assigned to do excel assignment.during that day, we cannot use usual lab that we always use for that's why mdm linda asked us to bring our own laptop by email a day before the classl.unfortunately,some of us did not bring the laptop because they did not read that email.we have assigned to do excel assignment which consist of part1,part2,tutorial1,and lastly tutorial2.we did the part 1 and 2 with some help from our lecturer but for tutorial1 and 2 we have to do on our own.due date for this assignment was the following monday.before that,let me briefly explain about the excel..

Introduction to excel
  • excel is a computer program used to create electronic spreadsheets
  • within excel users can organized data, create charts, & perform calculations
  • excel is convenient program because it allows the users to create large spreadsheets, reference information from other spreadsheets & allows for better storage & modification of information
  • excel operates like other Microsoft (MS) Office programs & has many of the same functions & shortcuts of other MS programs.

Here are few pictures of it.let's check it out!

Part 1

Part 2

Tutorial 1

Tutorial 2

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

memorable weekend

last weekend 16-18 october 2009

the first iQuest that i have experienced as student of iium kuantan.there a lot of program have been held during this event like stall,concert,exhibition,talk,games and so becomes more intersting as i join most of that event.i am the one of the committee of volunteer team's job scope was special task.i like to become one of the committee to in charge about the stall.i have become part of it since in iium pj.however, at pj we do not called it as iQuest instead rafest.but the cocept is the same which to sell thing.there are a lot items that we sold during this event.even though the task was tough but i really enjoy with it.

then,forum conducted on the first night was entitled 'Transformasi Malaysia,Mahasiswa Menerajui Perubahan'.the title was very impressive more thing quess what?the panels are all students.two of them are iium from kulliyyah of law iium gombak and the other one are from kulliyyah of science iium kuantan itself.third panel is from UKM.their talk was impress me because the way they talk really looks like politicians.

the last night was held nasyid concert.UNIC (nasyid group) was invited to perform in this concert.UNIC was one of my favourite nasyid group.we have to make video for Epidemiology presentation will be held on tuesday means that i willl missed this concert.however,we decided to make the shooting near the iQuest.haha.lucky me..we managed to finish th eshooting we can join the the process of making the video and coincidencely saw one of them by face to face.that is becomes my memorable weekend...

UNIC performance

Monday, October 12, 2009

Protein Data Bank (PDB)

Monday,12th October 2009

We have learned so many thing in today's class of computer in science such as HTML,PDB and so on..i don't want to highlight about HTML because it is common nowadays..
but the thing that i would like to share is PDB because it is quite related to my studies PDB which stands for Protein data bank because it is quite new for me..

Here are some example of it


First of all i would like to brief about the history of PDB

The PDB originated as a grassroots effort In 1971, Walter Hamilton of the Brookhaven National Laboratory agreed to set up the data bank at Brookhaven. Upon Hamilton's death in 1973, Tom Koeztle took over direction of the PDB. In January, 1994, Joel sussman was appointed head of the PDB.


In October, 1998the PDB was transferred to the Research Collaboratory for sturctural Bioinformatics (RCSB), the transfer was completed in June, 1999. The new director was Helen M. berman of Rutger's University (one of the member institutions of the RCSB).
In 2003, with the formation of the wwPDB, the PDB became an international organization. Each of the four members of wwPDB can act as deposition, data processing and distribution centers for PDB data. The data processing refers to the fact that wwPDB staff review and annotates each submitted entry. The data are then automatically checked for plausibility.

Next,there are few experimental method of the PDB which are xray diffraction,NMR,electron microscopy,hybrid and others..The most structures are determined by X-ray diffraction, but about 15% of structures are now determined by NMR, and a few are determined by electron microscopy.

Protein Data Bank
  • A respiratory for 3 D biological macromolecular structure
  • All data are available to the public
  • It includes protein,nucleic acid,and viruses
  • Obtained by xray crytallography (80%)or NMR spectroscopy(16%)
  • Submitted by biologist & biochemist from aroud the world

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

chem sketch assignment

5th of October,2-5 pm computer in science class's assignment was chem sketch..

Alhamdulillah i managed to finish this assignment almost at 7 pm.many of us were stayed at lab Orchid to complete this assignment.some of us completed the assignment at hostel.thanks to Mdm Linda because extent the time of submission of this assignment.initially was at 5 pm.last but not least my friends for helping each other in completing this assignment..

Energy of reaction


Vacuum distillation of apparatus

A two-chain DNA strand

Lipids and micelles